Here’s How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You

an injured woman lying on the ground on a stretcher while assisted by paramedics

If you or a loved one has been injured or worse and you think there is another party at fault, then you might need to file a legal claim in order to secure the compensation you deserve. While you might be tempted to represent yourself, it is typically not advisable to do so. That is because a personal injury lawyer has the knowledge and the experience to provide effective representation and will fight for the compensation you deserve. 

What is a Personal Injury Case? 

The typical personal injury case is when someone gets injured or dies due to the negligence of someone else. The other party could be an individual, a business, or a government agency, for example. Common personal injury cases include car accidents, slips and falls, motorcycle accidents, and medical malpractice. While these are common, there are countless other situations that could cause a personal injury for which you might want the representation of an attorney. 

These cases often involve the negligence of a single person, but they can also involve liability for an entire organization. It could be that they do not have adequate safety standards, for example. Direct abuse can also lead to a personal injury lawsuit, such as during a first fight or conflict. 

What Can Be Compensated? 

You may be entitled to several types of compensation. For instance, you can get your medical bills reimbursed. If you have missed work and not been paid, then you can get your loss of income covered. You may also be rewarded compensation based on your pain and suffering, and emotional distress. If you suffered in any way, even if that suffering has not resulted in out-of-pocket expenses to you, a personal injury lawyer may still be able to get compensation for you. 

Investigating Your Case

When you come to a personal injury lawyer with your issue, they will get as much information about the case as reasonably possible. Then they will set about investigating every detail of the case, from securing police reports to getting your medical records. Since a personal injury attorney typically does not get paid unless you receive a monetary recovery, they have every incentive to competently handle your case and to maximize your recovery.   

Evidence Gathering

A personal injury attorney will gather all of the evidence related to your case to come up with your best claim possible. That means getting the police report, and talking to witnesses to get their statements. They may also hire a photographer to go to the scene and photograph it. They may also be able to examine security camera footage or anything else that’s been submitted to the police. 

Gathering evidence will help in the pursuit of finding out who is to blame for the ancient and nature of the injuries. To this end, they will collect reports from the medical and rehabilitation facilities that have treated the client, and assess how much damage the accident caused. 

Working With Insurance Companies

Attorneys are used to negotiating with insurance company, and most non-lawyers do not do it on a regular basis. It can be very frustrating negotiating with insurance companies since they will do whatever it takes to avoid paying out your compensation. A skilled person injury lawyer will come up with an appropriate compensation amount, and work with the insurance company to come to an agreement. They will have a much better chance at getting you the compensation you deserve than you would if you negotiated yourself. 


A lawyer can handle all of the communication that you have with the insurance company or any other parties involved in the case. They will ensure that you do not make a mistake in your correspondence that could affect your claim. Among the communications they send will often be a demand letter that outlines exactly what you want, and why. 

In the case of an insurance company plainly refusing to offer any settlement, then a personal injury lawyer can file a lawsuit on your behalf. This will outline all of the points in your favor as a client, and explain why the defendant is liable for your injuries. This letter will also show the damages that you are seeking. Once the Complaint is filed, then the Defendant will have to respond or risk default.  


Discovery is an important part of any legal situation. You are entitled to all the evidence that the opposing party has that is relevant to your claims and defenses and not protected by privilege or otherwise. Your personal injury lawyer will make a request for it on your behalf, and ensure that it has all been sent to you properly. This can mean witness statements that the defense has collected as well as expert reports. 

Trial Representation

Some cases end up in a trial, and you will certainly want a personal injury attorney on your side if that happens. They understand how to follow court rules and procedures, and will make sure that nothing is missed that might damage your case. 

Call a Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Do not delay if you have been injured and you feel that another party is liable for it. The sooner you have a personal injury lawyer by your side, the sooner they can start protecting and fighting for your rights. Contact Henderson Law at (410) 721-1979 or click here to schedule your no-obligation consultation.