How Henderson Law Can Help You Manage the Unthinkable Child Injury

Accidents happen in an instant, and have a tendency to leave lifetime repercussions. Picking up the pieces in the aftermath of an injury can be a challenging task, while dealing with the consequences of a child suffering an injury due to intentional or negligent acts make things all the more difficult.
When most people think of a child injury, their minds go to bicycle crashes, basketball accidents, or other seemingly innocent events. Unfortunately, these occurrences are not truly reflective of real-life events, and most parents are not prepared for what comes after the injury.
While many child-related injuries parallel those of adults (car accidents, slip and fall accidents, etc.), there are a plethora of events that can cause long-lasting harm to children that are unique to their age and environment. From child abuse and neglect to bullying and harassment, the potential for damage is high, and the price to pay from these unfortunate circumstances can be even higher. If your child or a child that you love is injured in any way, a strong and experienced lawyer can advocate for your case on behalf of your child to ensure that your child receives the justice that he or she is entitled to.
The dedicated, trusted, and experienced team at Henderson Law is passionate about representing those in society who deserve aid and support in their time of need. By utilizing years of experience and expertise, the team at Henderson law can boost your argument in court and generate strength around your case. Injuries involving children are sensitive by nature, and your Child Injury Lawyer will do their very best to ensure that you feel comforted and secure throughout the entire process. Bolster your case and elevate your argument with the help and support that Henderson Law is eager to provide.
Causes of Child Injury
Children appear impervious, but we all know that this is far from the truth. In reality, children often find themselves injured due to a long list of potentially dangerous elements in their environment. Unfortunately, too many child injuries are life-altering, painful, and damaging to the entire family unit. Should a severe incident occur, you want to make sure that you have the very best support system on your side should you decide to pursue legal action.
In addition to the ever-growing list of injuries that occur in children that parallel those seen in adults, there are incidents that happen that are completely unique to children. In a study taken in 2018, it was determined that 636 children aged 12 or younger died while occupants inside of a motor vehicle during an accident, while a stunning 97,000 sustained injuries from the automobile related incidents. This is only one example of the potential for personal injury, let alone injury related to a child. If you drive with your child in the car, these numbers illustrate exactly why it is important to have a child injury lawyer on your side. An automobile accident may not stem from a fault of yours, but a burden will be yours to carry if your child suffers an industry. Henderson Law can help you carry that weight.
Product recalls due to dangerous components are another potential avenue for child injury, whether they are for household items like shampoo that have been determined unsafe for child use or they are consumable products that contain harmful elements. These recalls are deployed after the product has been on the market for some time – meaning that if your child has been harmed in any way from using them, they deserve a right to compensation.
These aforementioned examples are rather specific, however, and do not cover all of the potential causes of harm that can affect those that you love. The following causes of child injury are dangerous and tragic, and if they occur to a child that you love, they can have devastating results. Educating yourself on potential harm can help you avoid it, or prepare for the legal challenges that may occur after the incident has occurred.
Child Abuse and Child Neglect
In the United States of America, child abuse and child neglect are terms that are heard all too frequently. Whether it is physical abuse through violence, neglect through lack of care, or even sexual abuse, any form of abuse or neglect aimed towards a child is a felonious offense, and should be treated as such. If you do not engage in legal recourse after your child has endured such a horrific crime, the consequences can be dire. The mental and physical trauma can stick with a child and family for the rest of their lives, and the long, hard road to rehabilitation can be difficult to embark on. More than 15 percent of child abuse victims suffer from more than one type of maltreatment – Henderson Law will work with you to develop a strategy that increases your potential for a positive outcome in the court of law.
Bullying and Harassment
In the modern world, Bullying and Harassment are as prevalent as ever. Social media can be a tool that was intended for sharing, now manipulated for shaming. The mental anguish that can result from these sorts of circumstances can be life-altering, potentially resulting in anxiety, depression, or worse. Whether it is Bullying, CyberBullying, Harassment, or another form of intentional harm targeted towards a child that you care for, you deserve to have the support of an established expert in the field.
Bullying, Harassment, and CyberBullying are on the rise at rates faster than ever before due to the exponential speed and development of technology. Please consider the following statistics on bullying that occurs in the United States:
- A child is bullied every seven minutes
- In 85 percent of bullying instances, there is no intervention by either a peer or an adult
- Approximately 1 million children experienced harassing, threatening, or other cyberbullying behavior on Facebook in one year
- 39 percent of children who use social networks have been cyberbullied in some way
- An estimated 160,000 children miss school every day from fear of attack or intimidation by other students
- There are approximately 2.1 million bullies and 2.7 million victims of bullies in the American school system during a given year
- Students who experience bullying are more likely to grow up anxious, with less self-esteem, and with a higher need for mental health services throughout their lives
Damages Stemming from Child Injuries
It can be challenging to determine the value of damages for a child’s injury. Evaluating the long term physical or emotional impact of child injury can be an ongoing process, while the recovery rights may require a thorough understanding of federal and state civil laws for injuries stemming from abuse, neglect, bullying, harassment, and other forms of harm. Henderson Law can assist in helping you understand these concepts through passionate and dedicated experts who have dealt with these issues in the past.
Your attorney can assist in your comprehension of these concepts to ensure compensation (monetary or otherwise), and will include the following in your discussions:
- Medical Expenses stemming from the injury itself. These may include doctor’s bills, the cost of medicine, and any ongoing medical needs such as physical therapy
- Future Earnings Impact related from the future job prospects of the child that stem from the damage caused by the injury. This may severely impact job compensation in the future, and damage compensation should be sought after.
- Property Damage includes damage to electronic devices or physical defacement of property.
- Emotional Distress stemming from child injuries or trauma, very likely resulting in behavioral conduct disorders, anxiety, depression, or PTSD.
While financial compensation will not be able to remove the pain that a child has endured, it can go a long way when it comes to mounting medical bills, physical therapy sessions, trauma relief, or any other medical care that may stem from the unfortunate event.
As unfortunate as they are, these tragic events happen frequently in the United States, and have long lasting effects on the lives and well-being of the victims. The experienced team at Henderson Law understand this concept, and have developed a thorough system to assist you and your child during this challenging time. By putting your faith in the team of attorneys at Henderson Law, you are putting your trust in years of accumulated research, experience, and passion that help people recover for the impact upon their quality of life. Take an approach that will benefit you and those that you love by allowing Henderson Law to take care of you. If you have any further questions or would like to speak with one of our attorneys directly, contact our office today at(410) 721-1979.
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